Addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
              "Pete Navarra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

** Reply to note from "Pete Navarra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mon, 22 May 2000 14:50:53 
> Hi! I need some help with using Virtual Hosts on Apache. I realize
> that this isn't really something about SSL, but I use SSL and have
> been a regular reader of this newsgroup, so I thought I would post
> this message.
> I'm currently using Apache 1.3.9 with mod_ssl 2.4.6. Not having any
> problems there, but I'm trying to setup Apache for Name Virual Hosts.
> I've read and reread the Apache Documentation on Virtual Hosts, and
> have been unable to get a configuration that will work for me. I have
> one IP address, but want to link different domain names to the same
> IP, but use a different set of logs, and host different websites. I
> can get IP based virtual hosting to work, but I can't for the life of
> me get Non-IP based Name Virtual Hosting to work.

Sorry about the second post, I just reread your message and noticed
your desire to use separate log files.  Be aware that will severely
reduce the number of VirtualHosts you can have.  There is a per-process
limit on the number of open files, and if I remember right I ran out of
file handles around 30 VirtualHosts when I allowed each to have its own
access and error logs.  I am now over 60 VirtualHosts with no problems
after eliminating private log files.

Rick Widmer

P.S.  If these replies are not helpful, maybe you should be more
specific about what you want to do, and how it fails.

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
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