On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 09:16:28AM -0600, Jeff Gelina wrote:
> SP would be a good idea except that this is Linux 6.2.
> I'm about to install a new apache server,  does anyone have any good
> documentation on the best way to install apache, ssl, php, and frontpage????

Since you're still in "DEBUG mode" - I'd suggest that you do a minimal install:
http://www.modssl.org/example/ and see what that gives you. I am not quite
convinced that this is because of trouble in mod_ssl - theoretically it could 
be something else in your server. It does throw quite a few more headers out
than a standard install.
> Also, where do I go from here on my ie problem.  I have pretty detailed
> information in my error_engine_ssl log.  However, I am not sure what it
> means.  Who knows who would understand this stuff?
You could try using openssl s_server with the same certificate/keys/ciphers 
and connect with the same clients to see if you get a difference. If you
make a Logfile with full debug info available, I'll take a look at it and
see if I can spot anything.


Mads Toftum
`Darn it, who spiked my coffee with water?!' - lwall

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