On Thu, Apr 05, 2001, Harrington, Thomas wrote:

> The mod_ssl patch file changes a bunch of things, most of which make sense.
> One has me scratching my head.  In http_main.c, in the setup_listeners()
> function, it adds the following lines:
>       if (fd >= 0) {
>           FD_SET(fd, &listenfds);
>           if (fd > listenmaxfd)
>               listenmaxfd = fd;
>       }
> This wouldn't be odd except for a couple of things:
> * setup_listeners() already does all of this, so once patched, it happens
> twice.  Granted, the existing one does not check the fd value first, and
> this might be considered broken.  But then the patch doesn't stop values
> less than zero from being used, so it doesn't actially fix this behavior.
> * Most patches are clearly delineated by "#ifdef EAPI".  This one has no
> "#ifdef".
> What gives?  Why do this twice?

This should be already gone with 2.8.2.
I guess you are looking at an older version, right?
Please use the latest one.
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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