Hello all!

Sorry if you've already seen this mail, I'm reposting it because I
I'm new to mod_ssl, so I apologize  if I ask too dumb questions... I
apache + mod_ssl and I would need to use groups of DNs for authorization

I saw the example in Chapter 5 (HowTo) of the tutorial at
which uses the SSLOption +FakeBasicAuth that does a basic
authentication on top of https based on a httpd.passwd file
containing DNs and passwords.
The question is, if I use the AuthGroupFile directive from apache and
the directive "require group group_name" it will work? The group file
would be of the following form accepted by apache:

group_name1:DN1 DN2
group_name2:DN3 DN4

User name are separated by spaces, so what about the spaces in the DNs?
Another question: the directives used in the cited example can be put
in .htaccess files directly in the directories I want to grant access

Is there any other way to obtain authorization based on groups of DNs?

Thanks in advance,
Politecnico di Torino
Dip. Automatica e Informatica
C.so Duca degli Abruzzi 24,
10129 Torino, Italy
tel. +39 011 5647088
fax.  +39 011 5647099

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