On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 03:40:08PM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Ok, first, the environment: 
> SGI Octane running IRIX 6.5.13f
> Apache 1.3.22
> ModSSL 2.8.5
> OpenSSL 0.9.6b
> PRNGD 0.9.17 and 0.9.23
> If I have the following in my config:
> SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom2 512
> SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/urandom2 512
> The logs show:
> [Tue Feb  5 15:30:43 2002] [error] mod_ssl: Init: Failed to generate temporary 512 
>bit RSA private key (OpenSSL library error follows)
> [Tue Feb  5 15:30:43 2002] [error] OpenSSL: error:24064064:random number 
>generator:SSLEAY_RAND_BYTES:PRNG not seeded
> [Tue Feb  5 15:30:43 2002] [error] OpenSSL: error:04069003:rsa 
>routines:RSA_generate_key:BN lib
> If I switch to builtin, it works.
> Here's the weird part - I have OpenSSH 3.0.2p2 using /dev/urandom without a problem, 
>and using PRNGD's suggested ways of testing things (via egc.pl) shows no errors.

You must specify the correct protocol to be used:
SSLRandomSeed startup egd:/path/to/egd-socket ...

Best regards,
Lutz Jaenicke                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BTU Cottbus, Allgemeine Elektrotechnik
Universitaetsplatz 3-4, D-03044 Cottbus
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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