On Tue, 4 Jun 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> SSLRequireSSL
> DirectoryIndex index.wp2
> AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
> Options +ExecCGI
> deny from all
> AuthType Basic
> AuthUserFile /yadda/yadda/path/to/site/root/admin/.htpasswd
> AuthName "Administrative Pages"
> require valid-user
> satisfy any
> BUT, I still get the page in the browser!  Weird.  I can reload it,
> punch in the URL for a new page (which isn't cached), etc.  I tried
> this on a couple different client computers to be sure.
> Now, I can get the expected result if I comment out the 'deny from
> all' and 'satisfy any' lines.  So, I'm OK now.  Logs look right, and
> the browser is refused on port 80 for the admin area, as expected.

That's not a bug, it's a feature.  mod_ssl acts as an access checker for
SSLRequireSSL just like both mod_access and mod_auth.  "satisfy any" means
that if any of the access checkers is satisfied, then access is allowed.
Presumably your browser either has the password for mod_auth cached or
you've typed it in again.  In that case, mod_auth's "require valid-user"
condition is satisfied, so access is granted.  If mod_auth's requirement
failed, access would still be granted as long as the connection was SSL.
The "deny from all" is useless here since it can never be satisfied.

Bottom line: I don't think you should be using "satisfy any" given the
configuration above.


Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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