----- Original Message -----
From: "Brendan Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 1:03 AM
Subject: Re: Mod_SSL for Windows 2000/NT/XP

> I wrote:
> > >My situation is like Ike's: I too need to install mod_ssl and Open_SSL
> > >(ie. require secure web transaction capabilities) [on a Windows
> > >is there a site from which I can download precompiled versions of (or
> > >an "installation Wizard" for) the above?
> Guillaume replied:
> > I guess this is what you're looking for:
> >
> I'm somewhat confused.
> I downloaded and uncompressed the above archive, uncompressed and was
> delighted to find that mod_ssl was present in the modules directory.
> But I couldn't find any openssl.exe and, from what I gather, I need this
> executable/toolkit to generate a key pair and CSR?
> I'm a bit new to web server security and have just had responsibility
> thrust upon me, so I thank you all for your patience :)

Have a look at OpenSA (www.opensa.org), it's a Windows distribution
containing Apache, OpenSSL, PHP etc... in a precompiled state with a Windows



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