> >You'll have to either get IBM to provide you with an EAPI-compiled
> >WebSphere DSO or set up two copies of Apache, one SSL and 
> one non-SSL.
> yes i've think about this (when i was testing)
> but the point is : I need to provide Https pages with Websphere
> and i need to use Apache as "front" server

You can always put up the SSL-aware Apache in front of the non-SSL Websphere

Config inside the "frontmost" SSL Apache:
  ProxyPass          /  http://127.0.01:<websphere_server_port>/
  ProxyPassReverse   /  http://127.0.01:<websphere_server_port>/

And set up the "backend" Websphere one to listen only on the loopback

(Obviously, substitute <websphere_server_port> with whatever port you'd like
it to listen on.)

Additionally, if you really need to see the IP of the connecting client on
the backend server (for example, so your access logs show the real IP), you
can do a little trick with mod_perl (provided, of course, you've got
mod_perl on both servers):

On the "front" SSL server (single line in case it wraps)[1]:

  PerlHeaderParserHandler "sub

On the "back" Websphere server (also on a single line)[2]:

  PerlHeaderParserHandler "sub

In case there isn't mod_perl on the backend server, there might be some
other way to act on the standard proxying "X-Forwarded-For" header (maybe
websphere can do it by itself?).

Hope it helps...                        Marco Zamora

[1] Note for mod_perl-heads: Yes, it really is "$r->headers_in". Remember
that on proxy connections, the INcoming headers are the ones forwarded on to
the target server.

[2] The fancy "(split[...]merge)[-1]" stuff is just a way of parsing out the
*last* IP in the possible chain of X-Forwarded-For headers. We can't just
use the header_in method because it returns the first one.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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