"Boyle Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Rather, SSL (more properly, HTTPS) is a protocol you define for a
>particular virtual host. This means the SSL directives *must* go inside
>a VH container. The only exception is if you don't use VHs at all and
>only have one site which is defined at server config level (i.e. there
>are no VH containers at all and only one DocumentRoot). Then the SSL
>directives can be at config level.
>To put it another way;
>- Listen directives tell apache which TCP/IP sockets to listen to.
>- DocumentRoot directives tell apache where to find the start each the
>site's content.
>- VHs map Listens to DocumentRoots, i.e. TCP/IP sockets to directories.
>- The protocol to be used (HTTP or HTTPS) is defined separately for each

When is some nice company gonna pay Owen to put all his highly original, succinct and 
illuminating explanations into a wee book?


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