> -----Original Message-----
> From: Boyle Owen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 24 January 2003 10:09
> Subject: RE: Verifying enabled ciphers?
> >-----Original Message-----
> >
> >Nearly everything we believe is second hand. For example, 
> less than 500
> >people have seen the Earth from space, yet the majority of 
> >people believe it is round (or an oblate sphere for the pedants).
> >
> Perhaps. But this is not why we believe it to be round. We 
> know it is a
> sphere from observations we make on the surface. For instance, ships
> sailing away from port disappear from the bottom up (Columbus knew
> that). The main evidence comes from the fact that the angle 
> of elevation
> of astronomical bodies sighted at the same time in different places
> varies in a way that can only be explained if we are on the 
> surface of a
> sphere.
> In any case, billions of people have seen at first-hand photos of the
> Earth from space. Are we to assume all photos are always faked?
> Rgds,
> Owen Boyle
> PS I liked your one about Alexander Graham Bell :-)
I heard the quote about Alexander Graham Bell on Classic FM, and couldn't
resist using it. Ironically, most of the time he turned his telephone off as
it disturbed his work.

Indeed, there is "evidence" that the earth is curved. I've seen it myself 6
miles up in an aircraft. However, there are still only 430 people (that
figure comes from NASA staffer Catherine Watson), and not many women among
them, who've seen the earth as round for themselves.

A cynic may well claim that pictures of the Earth from space are faked.
After all, that claim has been levelled against the Bible for years (and
every year, more and more evidence is uncovered to support its authenticity.
eg http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/2655781.stm, although their
statement about it being the "first" piece of physical evidence needs taking
with a large pinch of salt)

Incidentally, I was bought Origin of Species for Christmas, and I'm reading
through it properly. I hadn't read that much of it, and what I had read was
from quotes by other people. Which is probably where most "believers" in
Evolution are at, simply following the flock.

His section on problems with the theory is interesting, as those problems
are still true, and there are many more problems too.



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