On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Ray a PowerWeb Tech wrote:

> but some of the domains have SSL, and it doesn't seem like this will
> cover it as is.  how do i setup a folder for keys that will be used? ie
> /www/certs/%0.key or does it automagicly pick the correct key for the
> ip/domain?
> i'm hoping to get it so that by droping files into the correct places,
> our customer will be able to add/remove domains without having to have
> the ability to restart apache (as its on windows, he would need nearly
> total control of the machine to do this)

Nope, sorry, you can't do that.  You have to have real virtual hosts set
up for each SSL vhost; mod_vhost_alias won't cut it.  That's not to
mention the fact that changing or adding SSL keys/certs requires
restarting Apache anyway to reinitialize OpenSSL.


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