
we have some problems to get mod_ssl working on solaris
First we tried at suse 8.2 and there was no problem at all, but now we have
troubles and hope someone can give us a hint..

While doing config and make there seems to be no problem
Even apache can be started and "apachectl configtest" says "Syntax OK"

but when viewing the environment variables some of them are missing like
only the server-variables are there

and when trying to start mod_authz_ldap (which uses the variables provided
by mod_ssl) it appears this message when typing "apachectl configtest"

Syntax error on line 246 of /opt/webservers/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /opt/webservers/apache/libexec/mod_authz_ldap.so into server:
ld.so.1: /opt/webservers/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file
/opt/webservers/apache/libexec/mod_authz_ldap.so: symbol ssl_var_lookup:
referenced symbol not found

We have experimented with ./config shared -fPIC for openssl and
--enable-rule=SHARED_CORE (for mod_ssl and apache)

but without success

(we are using apache 1.3.31, openssl 0.9.7d, mod_ssl 2.8.19-1.3.31 on sparc
solaris 8)

thanks in advance
Helke Schröder

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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