Could be your browsers settings. If you're running Firefox go to
the menu Tools > Options. Select Advanced and scroll down to
the Certificates area.
Set Client Certificate Selection to Select Automatically. This is
often the cause of such behaviour. Hope this helps.
Best regards
----- Original Message -----
From: C T
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:34 AM
Subject: certificate and authentication re-prompting

I need some advice/help.

I am running...well my web host service is running...

Apache/2.0.46 (Red Hat) Server



Also, I was originally set up through some kind of "virtual hosting", but I paid extra for SSL, and I have a httpsdocs folder. (if you can't tell I'm new to this)

I also use .htaccess with .htpasswd for user authentication.

Everything seems to be working fine, but my problem is...

I can enter my domain with the https://. OK

I get prompted to accept the certificate, and I get prompted for the username/password. OK

The problem surfaces when I begin to browse around in the https area. Sooner or later I will get re-prompted to accept the certificate and enter my username/password, again.

I don't know why it does this, and my web hosting service can't seem to explain it either.

I've reproduced the error on more than 4 computers.

I can't find anything that would cause my browser session to expire, in mid-session.

Can anyone help me or give me a direction to go in?

Be Kind, I'm a new to apache and mod_ssl.




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