
I finished doing my development and configuration of
my server, and was just beginning to enable SSL on the
server to protect certain pages which contain

I have apache2 installed as a service on W32,

I have server cert in ./conf/server.crt/ and
associated private key (encrypted) in
./conf/server.key/  I figured whenever starting the
service I'd type in the password.

just to make it easy (I will figure out how to start
the server properly as a service with SSL later), I
uncommented the ifdef/endif in ssl.conf, made the
appropriate ssl configurations, and tried to start

I received this error in my error log:
[Tue Jun 28 21:16:43 2005] [error] Init:
SSLPassPhraseDialog builtin is not supported on Win32
(key file M:/www/conf/ssl.key/server.key)

is this what I think it is?  Is there no method of
starting Apache2 on W32 with an encrypted private key?
 What are the suggestions?  How can I fix this or what
am I missing (does it really mean I've messed up
something else likely)?


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