Hi everyone,

I'd be very gratefull if someone could help me on this one.

I set up my apache/ssl server in order to have strong authentication.

The reason of my problems comes from the fact that I use a JVM 1.4 :
when I try to download a specific module, the JVM will try to ask a
client certificate. Since the certificate is stored in the browser
keystore (and not in the JVM keystore), the download fails...
It works all fine when I use a JVM 1.3 : applets cannot be loaded with
JRE1.4 when SSL Client Authentication is required by webserver.

I only use one IP for my secured domain : https://localhost:666/ and I
try to use different virtual hosts, but it didn't work.

I also tried to use a <location> tab and to specify not ask a
certificate by saying : SSLVerifyClient none.
But it didn't work either.

I'll take whatever you have to offer as an anwser...

Thx !!
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