We are trying to implement: Windows XP, Apache 2.2.3, mod_ssl and running
into problems.


Is it possible to do this under Windows without compiling Apache from

We were able to get it to work using Apache 2.0.59 after some wrangling with
OpenSSL and cert creation.
(Had to create the certs on a Unix (FreeBSD) system / OpenSSL install)

I would like to ask if there is a how-to document for mod_ssl / Apache 2.2.3
/ Winderz that covers how to do this successfully.

We keep running into Apache complaining it cannot load / find the mod_ssl.so
module. We have taken the proper steps in adding

LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so to the httpd.conf file and adding
the mod_ssl.so file to the modules directory. But every time we attempt to
start the server it fails with the error cannot load / find the mod_ssl.so
file. Are there other files missing? We have OpenSSL installed and the
libeay32.dll & ssleay32.dll installed in system32 directory.

Is there a precompiled mod_ssl.so available for Windows?

Thanks a lot for any direction.

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