
I was processing a bunch of files the other day, and I wanted to get a
rough idea of their size.

Oddly enough I could not find anything that seemed to be doing this.

So I wrote Format::FileSize, which exports 1 function, named

perl -MFormat::FileSize -le'foreach (@ARGV)
  { printf "%-12d => %s\n", $_, formatted_size( $_) }' \
 0 1 500 1023 1024 1025 2500 25000 \
 250000 1000000 25000000 250000000 \

0            => 0
1            => 1
500          => 500
1023         => 1023
1024         => 1 K
1025         => 1 K
2500         => 2.44 K
25000        => 24.4 K
250000       => 244 K
1000000      => 976 K
25000000     => 23.8 M
250000000    => 238 M
-1794967296  => 2.32 G

Does this make sense or does this already exist and I have missed it?
Is Format::FileSize a proper name?

A first version is available at



Michel Rodriguez
Perl & XML

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