Michel Rodriguez wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, Kate L Pugh wrote:
>> On Wed 27 Aug 2003, Michel Rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> It's really just a way to format a number.
>>> I actually found that Number::Format has a quite similar function,
>>> albeit slightly less configurable.
>> How about you patch Number::Format to do what you want to do?  See
>> also Number::Compare for another reason why you probably want to be
>> in Number::*
> I just emailed the author

A worthy effort, indeed :)

While you are at it, you might want to support the whole range of SI
prefixes (note that these are *not* units, but unit *prefixes*), check out
http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/prefixes.html to get them all.

And be very careful; not everybody will agree with you that 'M' should mean
1024*1024 - communications people will insist that 64kbps is infact 64*10^3
bps, and not 64*2^10 bps. IEC tried to define new names (kibi instead of
kilo for 2^10), but I seriously doubt that these will ever get wider

Also, if you look at harddisk capacity figures, some (most) manufacturers
will say '80Gb' meaning 80*10^9 bytes, rather than 80*2^30. Makes the disks
appear bigger than they are - standard salesman trick :)


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