Title: RE: Tie::Array::Sorted

> * Simon Cozens <simon at simon-cozens.org> [2003-11-12 13:32]:
> > Is Tie::Array::Sorted a reasonable name for it, or would another one
> > be more obvious?

DB_File has a way to do this iirc.

But it is a shocking ommission if there isnt at least one other way. I definately vote for Tie::Array::Sorted, but It may be worth having a look at Tie::Hash::Sorted and make them compatible on some level.

> This seems a reasonable name.  Is there also a hash version in the
> works?  I write:
>   for my $key (sort keys %h) {
>       ...
> often enough that I would use it.

Tie::Hash::Sorted (http://search.cpan.org/~jgatcomb/Tie-Hash-Sorted-0.10/Sorted.pm)
Tie::IxHash       (http://search.cpan.org/author/GSAR/Tie-IxHash-1.21/lib/Tie/IxHash.pm)
Tie::Hash::Array  (http://search.cpan.org/author/FANY/Tie-Hash-Array-0.01/lib/Tie/Hash/Array.pm)
Tie::SortHash     (http://search.cpan.org/author/CTWETEN/Tie-SortHash-1.01/SortHash.pm)



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