On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 05:17:28PM +0000, Simon Cozens wrote:
> Randy W. Sims:
> > Sounds like a set/multiset/bag structure.
> I thought it sounded more like a sorted array, but I'm prepared to be
> persuaded otherwise. (Primarily because I've already released the module
> to CPAN. ;)

I think the point is that T::S::A is closer to a set than an array, or more
to the point it's interace is just an expansion of a Set's interface.
Whereas it is a restriction of an array's interface - well it doesn't have to
be a restriction but as you point out in the docs, using the full array
interface doesn't make sense and for instance

push(@a, $n);

doesn't leave @a unchanged and a whole load of other un-arraylike things

So if Perl's standard collection types had been objects from the start and
had been implemented as a hierarchy with consistent interfaces then you
probably would have called it Set::Ordered because it looks like a Set with
extra stuff:

Set methods

Sorted Set methods
# same as Set and also

Array methods
# same as Sorted Set and also

insertindex($index, $elem)
# as you point out in the docs, this makes no sense for a T::A::S

etc etc

And a Sorted Set could be passed into a function expecting a genuine Set
with nothing to worry about. However you cannot pass a T::A::S into a
function expecting a genuine array because it might do something like

        $a->[0] = "defcon 5";
        launch_missiles() unless $a->[0] = "defcon 5";

All that said, it probably makes more sense to leave the name as it is but
how about implementing it as a nice object oriented ordered set and making
the Tie stuff a very thin wrapper around that? Actually you could do with

*PUSH = \&insert;
*DELETE = \&deleteindex;

sub delete
        # a good home for your binary search implementation

Thinking of it in terms of usage, this module is useful when you have some
already existing code that expects an array and wants to

- read some values from it
- push/unshift some stuff onto it
- fill it with completely new contents.

If the routine does anything besides that it will not work properly with a
T::A::S array. So I'd throw an expcetion in STORE rather than trying to do
"the right thing" because it's almost certainly not the right thing.

Any code that knows it's a sorted array can achieve the same effect with a
delete and a push and it could also use the OO interface which would be
faster than going through all the tie stuff,


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