On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 14:24, Dave Rolsky wrote;

  > I like what you're proposing, but I think the best way to do this
  > is to simply start it, and then try to get the CPAN folks to buy
  > into it once it's established as being useful.

I couldn't agree more, but I didn't really want to start without
bouncing the idea around first.  

  > Or instead of cpan.org, maybe it could be a *.perl.org site.
  > There's a lower barrier to entry here, I think.

The prototype, sure, astute suggestion.  I see this a bit like a CPAN
mapping project, and if it is successful it will be considered auch a
useful part of the archive that they would be distributed together :)

Anyway, enough said on the idea ...
Sam Vilain, sam /\T vilain |><>T net, PGP key ID: 0x05B52F13
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  Not what I have, but what I do is my kingdom.

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