Felow developers,

I have just released Thread::Isolate/0.05, that is a colection in a single
place of resources to work with threads in Perl.
With it is possible:

- Share any type of data between threads.
- Control one thread externally, sending jobs.
- Spy the internal state of a thread.
- Map a thread package to another thread package.
- Isolate the loaded modules from different threads.
- ... and much more...

Now I think that Thread::Isolate have all the main resources that I need to
work with complex thread mechanismes, but for now this was built in a closed
box, since I didn't had much feedback about it yet.

So, I'm asking for some tests and specially for feedback and suggestions. I
will be glad for any help.

Thanks in advance.

Graciliano M. P.

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