* Burak Gürsoy <burakgur...@gmx.net> [2009-10-31T18:13:05]
> I see that some modules have git:// protocol as the repo address in META.yml
> and/or Pod. I don't think this is useful to anybody since we don't see the
> address at all in cpan shell and hardly anyone downloads and checks every
> file to locate a repo. The main way to interact with such an address is the
> search.cpan.org site (or perldoc command if it's in Pod) and IMHO repo
> addresses must be http(s):// to become clickable to ease accessibility unless
> the repo somehow does not support http access. I think that *maybe* M::B and
> any other builder can also warn if the repo is not /^http/?

I'm strongly opposed.  There might not be any HTTP URL to my repositor, even
though a CVS or Git URL may exist.  There's no reason to require things to be
clickably just to support some closed-source application that is only one way
to access things.


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