David Nicol wrote:

Also, ++ to giving it a "brand name." It sounds kind of cloak-and-dagger, like this module spies on the PC where it is installed and sends back reports, like a foreign agent. How about "Boris" after Boris of Boris and Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle?

In that case, i'd go for something more classy like "Echelon". Makes it sound more, you know, big budget government stuff ;-)


#!/usr/bin/perl # 99 bottles Wikipedia Edition
$c=99;do{print "$c articles of wikipedia on the net,\n$c articles of wiki".
"pedia,\ndiscuss one at length, delete it at will,\n".--$c." articles of ".
"wikipedia on the net.\n\n";}while($c);print"So long & thx for the fish\n";

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