
I've noticed that the MetaCPAN page for many modules on CPAN has links
to homepages and/or git/hg/etc. repositories. I assume these links are
generated from the 'resources' field in the meta specification
(META.json or META.yml), right?

If I want the homepage, bugtracker, etc. to be the ones provided by
MetaCPAN and CPAN, it would be redundant to specify them in the meta
spec, no? And also, should I provide 'resources.license'? Dist::Zilla
doesn't seem to do that by default despite knowing the license of the
project and URL to the license.

Also, these would all be in my personal Dist::Zilla plugin bundle, so
more typing doesn't matter much (for example, if it would be good to
specify the CPAN RT as the bug tracker, etc., for other tools, even if
MetaCPAN would default to the CPAN RT).


I'm not under the alkafluence of inkahol
that some thinkle peep I am.
It's just the drunker I sit here the longer I get.

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