Hello Perl Module authors, and Pause Admins, I've come to the conclusion that I don't have the interest, to continue to maintain Sys::SigAction. (https://metacpan.org/pod/Sys::SigAction).
SigAction as been incredibly stable for years, with the exception of of the fact that perl 5.31.6 and beyond broke it for the cygwin platform. The tests ran fine on cygwin before that release. I would probably try to identify the test that fails on cygwin, and then mask it off with a warning of what is not working on that platform. The are three open issues. There was one pull request that I received, that I belatedly merged into my github repository for sys::sigaction. This is https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=123637. I will produce a new release that includes this patch. And then close this issue. There are other two issues. I am no longer programming in perl (though I still love the language). I wish to give this module to someone more interested in maintaining it. This module has been included in Debian for years now. And while I have no idea how widely it is used, there are 6 people following it. It would be nice if someone would in interested in at least contributing to it's maintenance. I'd be happy to work with that person to transfer knowledge and review updates. Any takers? Lincoln