Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
> Julian Mehnle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > For anyone who has similar problems in the future and who reads this
> > thread, I'd like to explain the cause of the problem explicitly (as
> > I didn't understand it myself due to the various statements in this
> > thread being too implicit).
> >
> >     The problem I had is that my META.yml (generated by M::B 0.26)
> >     had version numbers of the form "2.004000", which is numerically
> >     correct, but in the new regime sorts between v2.3999 and
> >     v2.4001, as opposed to between v2.3.0 and v2.4.1 (as it was
> >     intended by me).
> You seem to mean "v2.004000", not "2.004000". The latter is a floating
> point number, the former a v-string.

I know.  But I actually did have "2.004000", not "v2.004000", in META.yml 
as generated by M::B 0.26.

> >     Whereas old versions of (<1.8x) perform a numerical
> >     comparison only, matching 2.004000 = 2.004,
> Sorry, no, this was never the case. always did a mixed
> string/numeric compare. Specifically "2.004000" was always sorted
> after "2.004" and still is. Both look like floating point numbers so
> they are treated as such. Because they are numerically equal, they are
> compared as strings again with the effect that the longer is sorted
> after the shorter.

I see.  Is this documented anywhere?

What's the rationale for treating 1.0 differently from 1.00?  I mean, we're 
talking about version numbers, not dictionaries.

Anyways, considering what you're saying, why does 1.7602 treat 
2.004000 (from META.yml on CPAN) as being _equal_or_lower_ than the 
installed qv('2.004')?  (Remember, `r` in older CPANs doesn't complain 
about an out-of-date Mail::SPF, whereas in newer CPANs it does!)

> >     newer versions of apply logic and compare as
> >     2.004000 = v2.4000 >> v2.4 = 2.004, thus always reporting the
> >     version of the package on CPAN (whose META.yml is being read) as
> >     newer than what's locally installed.
> No, and were never behaving identically. There have
> always been edge cases, specifically in the treatment of trailing
> zeroes, underline, other non-numeric characters.

Great!  Pardon me for saying that, but what a mess!  (Not necessarily 
yours, though.)  "Design by committee" would probably still have been 
better than "interoperability by coincidence".

> The above equation does not represent behaviour. 2.004000 is very
> far away from v2.4000. Every float below 3 is treated smaller than
> v2.1000 because the maximum a floating point number below 3 can reach,
> when converted to a v-string, is 2.999.999.999....

Are you saying that, from CPAN's PoV, v2.1000 > 3?  You can't be serious!

At least doesn't agree (thankfully):

  $ perl -Mversion -le 'print(qv("v2.1000") > 3 ? "yes" : "no")'

> >     The solution is to upgrade M::B to at least 0.2802 (better
> >     0.2805) so META.yml gets generated with correctly formatted version
> >     numbers (no erroneous trailing zeros) to fit the
> >     numbering regime.
> Upgrading is always a good idea but I hope you do not insist that all
> your users must upgrade everything because not all of them will be in
> a position to do so immediately. Perl has a very good tradition of
> being tolerant it what it expects and conservative in what it emits.

I should have been slightly more explicit.  Since, as I tried to explain, 
the root cause of my problem was the badly formatted version numbers in my 
package's META.yml as distributed on CPAN, it is of course only the 
_developer's_ installation of Module::Build that has to be upgraded such 
that future uploads of the package will contain a properly formatted 


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