Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
> I'm just answering Julian's questions because it seems that he is
> interested to hear the whole story.

Yeah, but my last question still remains:  What's going on with my 
1.7602 NOT complaining about Mail::SPF being out of date while CPAN:: 
Version->vcmp("v2.004","2.004000") very well recognizing a difference?  
Any ideas?

Plus, for the M::B devs among you, what am I supposed to be doing about 

In Build.PL,

| build_requires  => {
|     Module => qv('0.002.1'),
| }

generates in META.yml:

| build_requires:
|   Module: !!perl/hash:version
|     original: 0.002.1
|     qv: 1
|     version:
|       - 0
|       - 2
|       - 1

Am I supposed to write version numbers literally in 
Build.PL as opposed to constructing version objects (and _can_ I do it or 
must I use numerical versions only)?  And/or is this an oversight in M::B?


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