Hello, David.

You really don't need Module::Build in build_requires. Because if you
don't have M::B, and Build.PL will be run, it will fail before any
CPAN client will be able to install M::B.

2011/3/7 David E. Wheeler <da...@kineticode.com>:
> Builders,
> For some time, I've been using this pattern in my Build.PL:
>    configure_requires => { 'Module::Build' => '0.30' },
>    create_makefile_pl => 'traditional',
>    build_requires     => { 'Module::Build' => '0.30' },
> However, while the build with Build.PL requires Module::Build, the build with 
> the generated Makefile.PL does not. However, Module::Build::Compat puts 
> anything found in build_requires into PREREQ_PM. So folks who are building my 
> modules with Makefile.PL are having to satisfy that dependency even though 
> it's not required. Peter Scott (Cc'd) emailed me about this last week, 
> pointing out that it's a silly requirement for, for example, RPM packagers.
> So what steps should I take for this, since configure_requires isn't 
> supported in older Perls? The options, as I see them, are:
> 1. Omit Module::Build from build_requires and hope that configure_requires 
> takes care of most cases. That seems dubious.

Alexandr Ciornii, http://chorny.net

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