On Mar 7, 2011, at 10:40 AM, Alexandr Ciornii wrote:

> Hello, David.
> You really don't need Module::Build in build_requires. Because if you
> don't have M::B, and Build.PL will be run, it will fail before any
> CPAN client will be able to install M::B.

Well, one *might* need it if one were using features of M::B added since the 
the version used by the user, and the user's version doesn't recognize 
configure_requires, either. For the module in question, Test::Pod, I think that 
it does nothing special at all. So I've removed it from configure_requires. But 
I wouldn't mind seeing some way to tell M::B::Compat not to include it if it's 
not needed in the Makefile.PL but *is* needed in the Build.PL build_requires.



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