On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 9:43 PM, Mark Harris <mark.har...@netwitness.com>wrote:

>   Since the release of v3800 I have been unable to install
> Module::Build using the CPAN module. It appears to install but the
> files aren't copied. I have tried setting the --install_base path
> option in '~/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm' using 'o conf mbuild_install_arg'
>  but, had the same results. I also tried installing the previous
> version of Module::Build that had worked before but, still the same
> errors. It appears that an array is not being dereferenced by the
> installer. Any advice will be appreciated, I have included the CPAN
> output as an attachment. Thanks. ./mark

This seems to be a combination of a bug in Module::Build and a configuration
issue on your site. The bug in Module::Build is that it turns install_base
into an array when you supply it twice. The configuration issue is that
you're doing exactly that (you're also giving it a lot more arguments that
are superfluous for that matter). I suspect this has something to do with
Makefile.PL compatibility, since you appear to be using that too.


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