On Sep 6, 2012, at 2:12 PM, "John M. Gamble" <jgam...@ripco.com> wrote:

> Are MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json not meant to be part of a perl package? I
> admit to adding them to the MANIFEST without considering it. What I found
> more interesting is that the MYMETA files were not included in the
> package.

MYMETA files are generated by `perl Build.PL`. They represent the translation 
of the metadata from the META.json file to settings specific to the box on 
which the module is being installed (e.g, with added platform-specific 
dependencies). So they should never be included in a distribution.

> I'm assuming this is an out-right error -- even if the MYMETA files are
> unnecessary, their presence in the MANIFEST file should at least merit a
> warning, right?

That would be handy, yeah.



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