# from Boyd Duffee on Thursday 11 October 2012:
>When I run
>        perl Build.PL
>I get
>        Can't use string as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use
>when I call the create_build_script() method.  I've attached the
>Build.PL file.  What am I doing wrong?

Hi Boyd,

I get `Can't use string ("Module::Build::Custom") as a HASH ref...` 
(perl 5.10 shiny feature: tells you the string.)  Note that the cookbook 
example says `$class->new(...)->create_build_script` and your code 
essentially says `$class->new(...); $class->create_build_script`, which 
loses the newly constructed object and tries to call an object method on 
a class.

("Can't string as hash" is not the best error message for "Cannot call 
object method with class." -- but newer Perl versions might have more 
helpful error messages.)


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