Hi again,

Trying to learn more about custom install.  I ran across the Modifying an
Action section in Module::Build::Cookbook and tried to shoehorn that bit of
code into my script.  When I run
        perl Build.PL
I get
        Can't use string as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use
when I call the create_build_script() method.  I've attached the Build.PL
file.  What am I doing wrong?

many thanks,

I'm using M::B v0.4 / Fedora 13 / perl v5.10.1 x86_64-linux-thread-multi

This is me stepping through the build process with the debugger

1318:     File::Path::mkpath($self->{properties}{config_dir});
Can't use string ("Module::Build::Custom") as a HASH ref while "strict refs"
in use at /usr/share/perl5/Module/Build/Base.pm line 1318.
 at /usr/share/perl5/Module/Build/Base.pm line 1318
        Module::Build::Base::write_config('Module::Build::Custom') called at
/usr/share/perl5/Module/Build/Base.pm line 1956
called at
Build.PL line 56
1258:       for my $f ( map glob($_), @{ $unlink_list_for_pid{$$} || [] } ) {

Boyd Duffee             Keele University    (01782) 734225
Student Facing Systems
 <DarthBart> Nobody "codes" in Perl. Perl programs are written by eating
             a bag of alphabet pasta and then chasing it with ipecac.
 <xaxa>      My alphabet spaghetti only had A-Z. Perl uses the *other*
             half of ASCII.

Attachment: Build.PL
Description: Perl program

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