Michael G Schwern <schw...@pobox.com> writes:

> We have a lot of serious problems because we lack a database of
> installed distributions, releases and files.

No, that is not our problem.

Our problem is that we want to handle it ourselves. This may have been a
good approach in the dark ages, but nowadays there are better solutions.

For example, on Sat, 15 Dec 2012 14:15:24 -0800 you wrote:

> When it comes to packaging, my first thought is always WDDD? What Does
> Debian Do? They usually do it right.

Debian, and most other systems have decent package- and install
managers. *They* maintain the database with installed distributions,
releases and files. The only good approach for us is to play with them.

So, an enhanced META.yaml or whatsoever may be a good idea, but *only*
to generate a deb control file, or rpm spec file, or innosetup file and
so on.

It is no longer neccessary to handle everything ourselves. We're not
alone anymore.

-- Johan

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