On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Houser, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Contract, as in the piece of paper you get someone to sign in order to
> license your software.  It would spell out the responsibilities of both
> parties for support, penalties for violating those terms (ex. running at
> levels above the paid entitlement), etc.  I mean the exact same meaning
> of the word as used in higher-end desktop software.  EULAs don't really
> hold much legal standing, specifically because they are NOT contracts.
> You need a signature of some kind from both you and your customer
> agreeing to the terms.

Oh, I am a little slow sometimes;)  I am a one man shop with no funds
and I am targeting small business owners, we are a very informal
group.  Even if there was a contact, I don't have the resources to go
after them and they aren't really going to have the funds to make it
worth going after:)

The honest truth is that 99% of my market doesn't even know what
Apache is, let alone that there is a conf file that could be changed
to get different behavior.


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