On 04/08/2009 10:13 PM, Nick Kew wrote:
On Wed, 8 Apr 2009 22:07:55 +0300
Juha Korhonen<mahtav...@gmail.com>  wrote:

Hi, when I use apr_palloc function to allocate memory, should I check
the return value to make sure that I really got some memory?



That is to say, yes you should, but it's common practice to omit
the test, on the dubious grounds that if pool allocation fails,
then your error handling is pretty-much going to fail for the
same reason so it's pointless.


If I try to allocate 1GB of memory and that fails why is "error handling pretty-much going to fail" after that? There still could be 500MB of ram free which would probably be more than enough to handle such an error or is there anything fundamentally different compared to to a malloc all (other than that it uses a pool)?


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