Sam Carleton wrote:
Ok,  I think in my last email I covered up the actual problem by adding a
CRLF.  In the apache log file I am getting this:

Invalid URI in request <s:Envelope xmlns:s="";><s:Body xmlns:xsi=""; xmlns:xsd="";><getNode
xmlns="urn:mmpp:catalogmgr"><nodeId xmlns=""/><ignoreActiveFlag
/axis2/services/CatalogMgr HTTP/1.1

If you look at the very end, there is the beginning of the second request:
POST /axis2/services/CatalogMgr HTTP/1.1

How can these two requests get run together like this?  Is some buffer in my
Apache module not getting cleared correctly or is the client doing this?
Remember the client is simply WCF C#.


I expect that the client is doing this. Since you are using C#, it will try and make every request under the same connection. With what you have described, it is more than likely a problem with the client trying to run things together. I'd try and force it to HTTP 1.0 (if you can) on the client side. That will force subsequent requests to the same server to create new TCP connections, rather than reusing. If that does work, then it is definitely in the client trying to bleed stuff together and not buffering properly. (That is actually what I expect).


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