Hello, im new to apaches - module. But i have some idea, don't have
knowldge big enough to solve this problem. Say me if it is possible to
do such thing, i present on the following image:


short description:

We have a FPGA card (hardware which is being used as a machine with
high computing rate in some kinds of operations) connected to the
On the OS, we have a computer program which is managing the FPGA card
and giving results for the input data.

The idea is... how to represent this data in some kind of
web-presentation. I thought that i should write a apache module which
will recieve the http requests and pass them to the program. In
addition, the program which is controlling the FPGA card, shoul have
ability to send 'progress level' if its busy.

My question is could it be done with the custom apache module? or its
impossible or very hard to achieve and only solution is to embed in
the code of the aplication, which controls the FPGA card, my custom
http server.

If you could give me some answers it would be really helpful. Thanks a lot !


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