On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 03:40, naranja naranja <naranja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, im new to apaches - module. But i have some idea, don't have
> knowldge big enough to solve this problem. Say me if it is possible to
> do such thing, i present on the following image:
> http://yfrog.com/0fquestiondj
> short description:
> We have a FPGA card (hardware which is being used as a machine with
> high computing rate in some kinds of operations) connected to the
> computer.
> On the OS, we have a computer program which is managing the FPGA card
> and giving results for the input data.
> The idea is... how to represent this data in some kind of
> web-presentation. I thought that i should write a apache module which
> will recieve the http requests and pass them to the program. In
> addition, the program which is controlling the FPGA card, shoul have
> ability to send 'progress level' if its busy.
> My question is could it be done with the custom apache module? or its
> impossible or very hard to achieve and only solution is to embed in
> the code of the aplication, which controls the FPGA card, my custom
> http server.
> If you could give me some answers it would be really helpful. Thanks a lot !
> Jarek

I think what you want is definitely possible. You don't even need a
custom apache module, I think a perl/php/tcl/any server-side script
would do the job.


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