Hi Joe,

j...@joe-lewis.com a écrit :
My use case is actually the following :

- I have to fetch a few rows in a specific table (around 10 rows)
   but I do not want to fetch these rows for every request as I know
   they will not change often (but I can not use a configuration file

I thought about "caching" the result of this fetch so it is created once
and every subsequent request could use it without hammering the database.

My suggestions :

  - Populate an apr_table_t with the data.
  - Use a shared memory segment so that if you use the prefork MPM, each
process can still access the data (use mutexes to keep things sane).
  - Use a time stamp on the data entries just so that (after they
"expire") you can go back and reload the data from the database.
  - Use a configuration option to set the "expire" value so that the
module can be adjusted as the load on the db increases.

I don't have any example code with me right now due to where I am, but you
should be able to google for it, or even check the apache source for
examples.  There is much out there.

Thanks for your help! :)

Jérôme :)

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