Good evening list,

I am working on a module which interacts with a database by using mod_dbd.

My use case is actually the following :

- I have to fetch a few rows in a specific table (around 10 rows)
  but I do not want to fetch these rows for every request as I know
  they will not change often (but I can not use a configuration file here).

I thought about "caching" the result of this fetch so it is created once
and every subsequent request could use it without hammering the database.

The problem is that I have no clue on how to do it. I mean I can manage with
the code and APR/APR-utils, but how could I do it right ?

Any hint/comments/ideas are much welcome.

Thanks in advance for any help and have a nice week-end.

Best Regards.

Jérôme :)

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