Heh.  Lost in the ether (again).

Begin forwarded message:

From: Nick Kew <n...@webthing.com>
Date: 1 June 2009 21:10:26 BDT
To: modules-dev@httpd.apache.org
Subject: Re: Making HTTP requests

Michael Spiegle wrote:
I'm writing a module where I need the ability to make HTTP requests to servers on my backend for business logic. Just to get my code working, I wrote a very simple HTTP client library but it only handles basic HTTP/1.0 requests and only checks for return codes 200 and 404. I'd like to use a better codebase for making my requests, but am not sure what my options are. I looked to see if I could abuse the mod_proxy code, but I don't think it was meant to be used this way and don't want my code to break due to changes upstream. I was thinking about using cURL, but that would add
another dependency to my code.
Is there a proper/defined way to use mod_proxy for this, or should I just
move forward with cURL?

Your module has two basic options. It can either turn the request into
a proxy request and do [whatever else] around it - c.f. mod_rewrite.
Or it can make subrequests to be proxied, as in mod_include. The latter
requires a bit of configuration: you make a subrequest into URL space
defined by a ProxyPass (or RewriteRule).

Nick Kew

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