On 02/11/2019 11.00, Ervin Hegedüs wrote:

this is just a theoretical question: is there any way to test/use
an Apache module without Apache?n


AFAIK no, but I didn't research it much.

There are however best practices that try to come as close as possible to a "reasonable" degree of confidence in your code.

You can separate your code in an application-dependent, apache-independent library on one hand and a generic, application-independent, apache-dependent glue code on the other hand and then you can test only the apache-independent library and "have faith" in your glue code.

The apache-independent library must not refer to ap_* functions. So no ap_hook_*, ap_register_*_filter, ap_get|pass_brigade, ap_log_*, ap_rwrite, ap_rputs, ap_rprintf and many many other functions in your application-specific and apache-independent lib.

Your application-specific lib may however use the data structures of apache (request_rec, server_rec, ap_filter_t) and of libapr (apr_tables, apr_pools etc). It's your responsibility however to initialize them in your test code, outside your lib. You cannot rely on ap_read_request for instance in order to initialize your request_rec structure.


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