> Are you using the Python installation and Apache modules that
> WebFaction supplies or have you built any yourself from source code?
I've built Apache 2.2 and mod_wsgi 2.3 myself. Python is webfaction's

> Have you installed any third party Python modules yourself? Are you
> running PHP in the same Apache installation?
I've installed mod_auth_tkt. There is no PHP. Just django
applications. Begining of apache.conf is:

ServerRoot "/home2/(...)/apache2.2"
LoadModule wsgi_module /home2/(...)/apache2.2/modules/mod_wsgi.so
LoadModule log_config_module /home2/(...)/apache2.2/modules/
LoadModule env_module /home2/(...)/apache2.2/modules/mod_env.so
LoadModule auth_basic_module /home2/(...)/apache2.2/modules/
LoadModule authz_user_module /home2/(...)/apache2.2/modules/
LoadModule authz_host_module /home2/(...)/apache2.2/modules/
LoadModule alias_module /home2/(...)/apache2.2/modules/mod_alias.so
LoadModule auth_tkt_module modules/mod_auth_tkt.so

One more thing. While pasting this config
I've noticed that I had path to mod_wsgi.so same as another apache
instance (my test environment) has.
So both of these Apache instances were using same file. I'm not sure
if this matters??

> Does your Django application create any background threads to perform
> processing.
Yes. I'm using external threads to send e-mail messages.
Hm... I'll try to perform some actions that will cause e-mails to be
and then I'll see whether process crashes after reaching maximum-

> Am asking just to collect a bit more background information while I
> think about what to suggest.
Feel free to ask :) Thanks for the answers so far.

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