2008/9/29 MilesTogoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> ianmendiola wrote:
>> Ok,
>> So this has definitely isolated the problem.  A lot of the work I am
>> doing is done in separate python modules that have been imported into
>> the main script file.  In regards to the example of editing
>> settings.py in django and having to restart apache for affects to take
>> place, does this mean every time I make a change to outside modules I
>> have to restart apache?
> yeah, I'm finding that on WebFaction when you make changes to settings,

I think because by default they have things run in embedded mode.

> etc  it requires a stop and start (they advise against restart).

I certainly would be cautious about using 'restart' a lot as some
versions of Python leak memory when interpreter being destroyed.
Normally this wouldn't be an issue for command line Python, but in
mod_wsgi where new interpreter instance is then created within the
same running process, this means that that memory leak occurs in
Apache parent process and thus would be inherited from Apache child
processes. Thus, use 'restart' or 'graceful' a lot and your Apache
processes will grow in size.

I have started looking at this memory leak, but because it is in
Python itself, not sure how much I can do about it with the way that
mod_wsgi is currently implemented. Details can be found at:


Also, a 'graceful' restart is also a problem at the moment, although
effect of the problem is limited. For this, when you do a 'graceful'
restart at any point, it would seem that orderly shutdown of Apache
daemon mode processes isn't occurring. The process still get killed
off, but any Python callbacks registered with atexit module aren't
being called. Details can be found at:



>   I'm
> not sure what kind of caching goes on with the shared environment.
> There also seem to be some quirks with routing  with the extra user user
> site application level  (ie with a django setup the levels are home /
> username / webapps / appname "django" / project name / then django app
> name ).

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