> It may take me a bit longer to get to this than had hoped. Daddy day
> care today and baby demanding a lot of attention and hasn't adjusted
> to timezone after getting back form holidays which is making it all
> the more fun.

Sounds like fun!

For someone who does not know pinax except that it somehow builds on
> Django, can someone give me a couple of line summary of what it does.

   - "*Pinax* is an open-source collection of integrated, but reusable apps
   for the Django Web Framework <http://djangoproject.com/>."
   - "While our initial development is focused around a demo social
   networking site, we are also working on number of editions tailored to
   intranets, learning management, software project management and more."
   - ""*I'm simply astounded by how far Pinax has come in the short time
   it's been around. The list of features is huge; I think with a little more
   work Pinax could become a serious competitor to Plone or Drupal.*" —
   Jacob Kaplan-Moss, Django Co-BDFL"

> More importantly as far as working out what may be a good
> configuration, how long do average requests it handles take. Is the
> nature of the application such that you can have long requests, be it
> file uploads or some sort of processing, or is every quick and sub
> second. The length of requests and the number of concurrent requests
> you get, especially the longer ones, is going to guide how many
> process/threads you need.

There is photo upload. that's the only long running request I can think of.


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