i cloned source with Mercurial:  https://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/
In the folder there is win32-ap22py31.mk

renamed to win32-ap22py32.mk
and modified paths for python32, visual studio 10.0 and sdks/v7.0A

still getting error

c:\python32\include\pytime.h(21) : warning C4820: '<unnamed-tag>' :
'4' bytes padding added after data member 'tv_usec'
c:\python32\include\bytesobject.h(41) : warning C4820: '<unnamed-
tag>' : '3' bytes padding added after data member 'ob_sval'
c:\python32\include\longintrepr.h(92) : warning C4820: '_longobject' :
'2' bytes padding added after data member 'ob_digit'
c:\python32\include\pystate.h(83) : warning C4820: '_ts' : '2' bytes
padding added after data member 'recursion_critical'
c:\python32\include\pythonrun.h(172) : warning C4255:
'_Py_CheckPython3' : no function prototype given: converting '()' to
c:\Python32\include\node.h(12) : warning C4820: '_node' : '2' bytes
padding added after data member 'n_type'
Generating Code...
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
10.0\VC\BIN\cl.EXE"' : return code '0x2'

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