On 3/17/2012 6:02 PM, Adrian Gschwend wrote:
Hi Graham,

Thus, try switching the order of the LoadModule lines around for the modules.

That is all I can think of.

I finally had the time to switch to mod_fcgid, unfortunately the
problem persists. So this is definitely not a mod_wsgi problem but I'm
even more clueless than before.

Do you have any idea where this could go wrong? Is Apache itself
screwing something up maybe? I don't think this can be TRAC as TRAC
probably does not have an influence of the handlers at this point in
Apache, right?

I'm more than happy to do more tests and report bugs somewhere but I
need some ideas about where to do that :-)

Just an idea: you could perhaps rebuild Subversion yourself, with the same apr/apr-util libraries as the ones used by your Apache server (using the proper --with-apxs=... setting).

-- Christian

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