Unless you set ServerName in each VirtualHost with a different host name, and 
access them as different host name in URL, you will need to have both sites at 
the separate sub URLs defined in the same VirtualHost, not separate ones.

    WSGIRestrictEmbedded On

    <VirtualHost *:80>

        WSGIDaemonProcess site1 python-path=/home/user/site1 
        WSGIScriptAlias /site1 /home/user/site1/site1/wsgi.py 
process-group=site1 application-group=%{GLOBAL}

          Alias /static /home/user/site1/static
        <Directory /home/user/site1/static>
              Require all granted

         <Directory /home/user/site1/site1>
             <Files wsgi.py>
                    Require all granted

        WSGIDaemonProcess site2 python-path=/home/user/site2 
        WSGIScriptAlias /site2 /home/user/site2/site2/wsgi.py 
process-group=site2 application-group=%{GLOBAL}

          Alias /static /home/user/site2/static
        <Directory /home/user/site2/static>
              Require all granted

         <Directory /home/user/site2/site2>
             <Files wsgi.py>
                    Require all granted


> On 20 Feb 2019, at 5:27 am, utest...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have deployed two Django sites on apache server with mod_wsgi. When I 
> enable site1.conf and site2.conf separately, my sites work correctly. But 
> when I enable both site1.conf and site2.conf, then site1 shows error "404 Not 
> Found: The requested URL /site1 was not found on this server." and site2 
> still works correctly!
> I guess the problem is in .conf files. Here is my 
> /etc/apache2/sites-available/site1.conf
> ==============================================================================
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>           Alias /static /home/user/site1/static
>         <Directory /home/user/site1/static>
>               Require all granted
>         </Directory>
>          <Directory /home/user/site1/site1>
>              <Files wsgi.py>
>                     Require all granted
>              </Files>
>         </Directory>
>         WSGIScriptAlias /site1 /home/user/site1/site1/wsgi.py
>         WSGIDaemonProcess site1 python-path=/home/user/site1 
> python-home=/home/user/site1/venv1
>         WSGIProcessGroup site1
> </VirtualHost>
> ======================================================================================
> And here is my etc/apache2/sites-available/site2.conf
> ======================================================================================
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>           Alias /static /home/user/site2/static
>         <Directory /home/user/site2/static>
>               Require all granted
>         </Directory>
>          <Directory /home/user/site2/site2>
>              <Files wsgi.py>
>                     Require all granted
>              </Files>
>         </Directory>
>         WSGIScriptAlias /site2 /home/user/site2/site2/wsgi.py
>         WSGIDaemonProcess site2 python-path=/home/user/site2 
> python-home=/home/user/site2/venv2
>         WSGIProcessGroup site2
> </VirtualHost>
> ================================================================================================
> So, what is wrong?
> I'm a beginning programmer and that's my first deployment experience.
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